Awarif-ul-Maarif by Suhrwardi: Status, Sources and Artistical Beauties

عوارف المعارف للسهروردي مكانته و مصادره و خصائص أسلوبه


  • Dr. Al-Hafiz Muhammad Akram Al-Azhari Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Muhammad Zia Ullah Baha-Ul-Din Zakaria University, Multan


Shaykh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi was a great sofi and the author of the Awarif ul-Maarif, which is recognized as a masterpiece work in Tasawwuf, from his early life onwards, he studied Islamic jurisprudence, law, logic, theology, Quran studies and Hadith studies he quickly excelled in his studies and mastered, designated as, by in Islamic world.Suhrawardi wrote the Awarif ul-Maarif. The Knowledge of the Spiritually Learned. The book Awarif ul-Maarif quickly became one of the most popular books on Sufism throughout the Muslim world. This book was translated into English many other languages Arabic Persian and other language of the world, in this article we discuss about his life and thoughts about Sufism.

Author Biographies

Dr. Al-Hafiz Muhammad Akram Al-Azhari, Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Islamic University, Bahawalpur

Muhammad Zia Ullah, Baha-Ul-Din Zakaria University, Multan

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Arabic Baha-ud-Din Zakariya University, Multan





