Mystic Stages According to Allama Manaavi: A Critical and Analytical Study
طبقات الصوفیة عند المناوي: دراسة تحلیلیة نقدية
Tabqat means a group of people mostly are contemporaries in the field of different Islamic Sciences like Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and others. A number of Islamic scholars penned the biographies of a specified area of Islamic history to preserve this treasure for the following generations. And so did the soofia for the same purpose. This article analyzes the precious work of Abd ur Raoof Al-Manawi (1031 AH) a well known Egyptian scholar to detirmin, his role as a historian and biographer. Al-Kawakib considered by the scholars as an encyclopedia of social and cultural practices in tenth and eleventh centuries after Hijrah in Arabia generally and Egypt specially. The author in this book has alphabetically divided the mystics in ten stages and assigned one hunderd years to each stage. He has placed his contemporaries in the first quarter of the 17th century.