A specific study of the Tarbiyyat methodology of Mujaddid alf Thani
مجدد الف ثانی ؒ کے منہجِ تربیت کا اختصاصی مطالعہ
According to Mujaddid Alf -Thani Al Shaykh Ahmed, the aim of Sufism and Spiritual guide is self-purification, inner-refinement and social reform. For the training of seekers, he instructed those matters which are in accordance with Sunnah. Spiritual guide is the name of manners. Without manners, the seeker cannot find the destination in the path of training. Sheikh Mujaddid used to incite remembrance and provocation according to the ability and capacity of the seekers.According to sheikh mujaddid, there must be correctness of belief, before Sulook (seeking the truth).According to Mujaddid’s maktoobat, the Faraid (obligations) must not be missed for the sake of Nawafil. Repetition of kalima tayyaba, reverness in prayer and good compainship are necessary for purification of heart.Due to his training style the truth seekers rose to the heights of righteousness and spirituality.