Sheikh Ibn-e-Arabi’s Theory of "Tajadud e Amsal" and its Impact on Persian Literature: A Brief Overview
شیخ ابن عربی کے نظریہ " تجدد امثال "کا فارسی صوفیانہ ادب پر اثر: اجمالی جائزہ
Familiarity with the reality of the universe and the Creator of the universe has been a favorite subject of Muslim mystics and philosophers. Understanding and clarifying the relationship between the Creator and the creatures has been the ultimate goal of these Sufis and philosophers. Leading among the Muslim mystics and philosophers is Mohi-ud-Din Ibn-e-Arabi, who laid a strong foundation for the philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Wujud (Unity of Existence) on the basis of his kashf (spiritual discoveries) and Shahood (Spiritual observations). This philosophy had a profound effect on the later generations. The philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Wujud encompasses many sub-topics in its context, which Ibn-e-Arabi has described in detail in his book Fusus-ul-Hakam... One of these sub-topics is “Tajadud-e-amsal” (Renewing like before). Like Wahdat-ul-Wujud, the theory of “Tajadud-e-amsal” influenced later Persian Sufis and philosophers. This article will review the effects of Ibn-e-Arabi's theory of “Tajadud-e-amsal”on Persian literature.